Question and Answer
Q: What types of residencies are there for pharmacy? How do residencies work?
A: From my understanding, the term residency just means a doctor in training. For physicians, residencies are critical to gain clinical experience and practical knowledge to be a qualified physician. For pharmacy, a student who has just graduated may choose to apply for a residency program. It is optional, but most pharmacists who endure a residency program are much more qualified for higher positions with higher pay. A residency program typically lasts one year (called PGY1). However, a pharmacist may choose to dive even deeper into the program for more experience or specialization for another year (called PGY2). During their residency, pharmacists are expected to always be ready for tough situations, presentations, and preparation. As for types, all residency programs are different based on the hospital, location, and field of pharmacy. If you attend our CSHP Residency and Hospital IPPE 101 tonight from 4-6pm you can get a lot more information on this question from our faculty, Dr. Chen and Dr. O'Dell!
Q: I know one of the members mentioned accepting one new liaison, but I wasn’t really sure about the responsibilities they have. Can you explain more about what this liaison would do?
A: A CSHP first-year liaison is required to attend CSHP executive board meetings, contribute new ideas and organization to current events, help with a variety of tasks from different executive board positions, and serve as a liaison between CSHP and the first-year class. You gain a lot of experience behind-the-scenes for example finding a speaker, booking rooms, preparing speaker gifts, and learning how to MC. One of the benefits as a first-class liaison would be getting first-line exposure to pharmacists and alumni at these events. Another benefit includes gaining leadership experience and skills as a pharmacist or even to prepare you for a future on the executive board.
Q: Is there a certain amount of students you take for Pacific’s CSHP organization?
A: There is no limit to how many students may join CSHP-Pacific. Our student chapter does not have an additional requirement for membership besides the membership fee due annually. However, only 2-3 first-year liaisons from the first-year class are selected every fall semester and only 9 second-year students are elected to be on the executive board every spring semester.
Q: How will being in CSHP make me more competitive as an applicant for residencies? How does CSHP prepare me?Are there any other activities/events you guys are involved in, besides dinners & speaker events?
A: CSHP has a variety of volunteer and professional events that are hosted throughout the year. These events may change year to year depending on the executive board and what their goals are for the year. For the executive board of 2021-2022, we have hosted or planned on hosting the following events:
Spring: CSHP-POYSE week, Asparagus Festival health fair, Membership Appreciation dinner, CSHP-CV Installation Banquet and Industry Night, CSHP week, CSHP Health-Systems speaker event
Summer: CSHP-CV St. Mary's Dining Hall volunteer event, Shelter-in-Peace donation drive, Residency Panel, CSHP-CV Residency Symposium, CSHP Residency Showcase
Fall: Adopt-A-Family donation drive, Hospital IPPE/APPE & Residency 101 speaker event, CSHP x OI Flu & COVID 19 Clinic, CSHP Seminar
Q: How will being in CSHP make me more competitive as an applicant for residencies? How does CSHP prepare me?
A: Residencies look for qualified students who are well-rounded in academics and leadership. Therefore, how beneficial CSHP will be for you depends on your involvement and contribution to the organization. You may choose to be a general member and attend the informational events to expand your knowledge. Or you may choose to improve your resume and curriculum vitae by being a part of the leadership that hosts multiple events throughout the year for a student chapter of larger than 200 members. Either way, CSHP would prepare you with both organizational skills, valuable advice, and networking opportunities for residency.
Q: How does the application process work for applying for CSHP? Do I apply through the applications ASP will send out next week, or will this be a separate application? Usually, how much does it cost to join CSHP?
A: To be a member of CSHP-Pacific, follow the instructions sent in the e-mail by the VP of Membership (2021 Vivian Le). The membership fee is usually $50 to be paid annually for membership renewal. Membership drives last for one week: once in the fall and once in the summer.
Q: Would the liaison need to attend every single session, or would it be possible to attend sessions in between lectures and labs?
A: The first-year liaison would not have to attend every single session! Most of the sessions are optional and only 2-3 are required for honor chord credit. I would recommend attending the workshops that you would find the most beneficial.
To be a first-year liaison, instructions to apply will come out soon via e-mail by the President. These applications are available annually in the fall semester for the new first-year class. All applicants are offered a group interview then only 50% of those will be offered an individual interview.